Join us on Easter morning at 8:30 or 10 in Tempe and 11 in Arcadia!

Dayspring UMC is a community of return, a place of homecoming. And it’s also a community of sending, so that all may experience a sense of homecoming into God’s new world of compassion, dignity, and joy. That’s why we’re here. That’s who we are: a waystation of hope along life’s way. 

So keep praying and giving thanks for all the ways our faith, our prayers, our worship, our music, our sacraments, our buildings, our service, and our lives help bridge the gaps that divide creation. And we’ll see you for Giving Sunday,  November 20, either in-person or online, for our grand celebration of God’s gift of “Grace in Action”.

As is our annual tradition, Giving Sunday is a time to show our commitment to accept our commission as agents of God’s love and grace through our financial pledge to the church. You can make a pledge by filling out the form at this link. As always, this pledge can be modified at any time as circumstances change.

Thank you for your continued support of the ministry and missions of Dayspring UMC!